Around the World in a ’57 Mercedes-Benz!

We have lots of special visitors, especially during the spring and summer months, and we had an excellent visit this morning from a New Zealand couple who are embarking on a world-wide journey in their 1957 Mercedes-Benz 220S Ponton. Five continents, over 90,000 miles and five years make up this road trip, which happened to include a stop right here at Honest Charley Speed Shop in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Continue reading to learn more about their journey and to see a few more photos of their classic German sedan.

Elisabeth and Fred are traveling the world, but they’re not staying at hotels along the way. What you don’t see in our photos is a special-built lightweight tent trailer, which is pulled behind the Mercedes. There is no support vehicle, there is no plan B–the car has to make it all the way! They will be in North America until the end of summer, and they will move south into Mexico and then into South America. From there, the tour will move to Europe, and eventually to Australia. The couple plans to return home to New Zealand at the end of 2019. You can find out more about their journey at or you can see updates from the trip at

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