New Shirts!

We’ve noticed over the years that people love Honest Charley T-shirts, so a few years ago, several new designs were introduced to add a little spice to the regular Honest logo shirt. The new shirts were quite popular, but many of them have certainly run their course on the market, so we’re ready to throw in some new ideas and get some fresh shirts out there. That doesn’t mean we’ll stop carrying all of our other shirts…it just means you’ll have some new designs to choose from!

All of our new T-shirts are available BLACK with white graphics, or WHITE with black graphics! Several sizes to choose from!

Last fall, we introduced 4 new designs, and they’ve been very successful so far. And while these are great, we’re dedicated to staying fresh, so our apparel guys, Eric Gullett and Michael Mattheiss are working on new designs as we speak. Vintage flavor is a big part of the designs, and we also try to pay tribute to Honest Charley’s history with each and every T-shirt concept. Stay tuned for the BRAND NEW T-shirts, due out within the next month or so, and check out our last round of shirts, which have proven to be very popular in the short time they’ve been on the market!